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Valve Design Form
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Valve Design Form

Please answer the questions and submit the form so that Anderson-Bolds can recommend a solenoid valve for your unique application.

Choose one of the following options:

Choose one of the following options:

Quantity Required:

Choose one of the following options:

Choose one of the following options:

What is required pressure ?

Pressure is PSI

Select any of the following options that apply:

Explosive Atmosphere
Hot (>150 F)
Cold (<32 F)

Choose one of the following options:

Is there a required Cv?

Cv required is:

If you answered "Other" to any of the above, please explain what you need.

Other Info:

Please Describe How valve will be used. (Filling, Draining, in Closed pressurized system, operating cylinders or other valves, etc.)



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